Bunny Nest
I Found a Wild Animal, Now What?
Unless an animal is in immediate distress, the best thing you can do to help it, is to leave it alone. When a baby animal is by itself, the mother has likely left it there to go off in search of food. By you interacting with the animal, will increase the likelihood of a predator finding it due to the scent you will leave behind.
Please always contact the Wildlife Hotline before removing any young animal from a situation 306-242-7177
Found an Animal in Distress
If you observe any of the following, the animal may need help. Please call the WRSOS Hotline and monitor the animal if you can; 306-242-7177
Old wounds or injuries?
Maggots or flies?
Missing or dragging wings or limbs?
Discharge from nose or eyes?
Missing fur or feathers?
Contact with a cat or dog?
Dead parent or siblings nearby?
Lethargic behaviour, no movement, eyes half closed, panting, gaping mouth?
Odd behaviour – running into things, nocturnal animals out during the day, too tame?
(Wildlife Rescue Society of Saskatchewan)